[16.07.2024.] The submission deadline has passed. We will now review your submissions and notify you by August 7. The submission site remains open for a few more days.
Co-located with MODELS'24

22-24 September, 2024
Linz, Austria

About CoPaMo

Collaborative modeling is an important enabler to engineering complex systems. While mostly focusing on the technical and technological aspects of collaboration, the MDE community has also recognized the need for more pronounced stakeholder-facing concerns in collaborative modeling techniques and tools. Such stakeholder-facing concerns are the ones researched under the broader participatory modeling umbrella. This workshop aims to showcase the latest developments in Collaborative and Participatory Modeling, as well as to expose the synergies between collaborative and participatory modeling by inviting researchers and organizers from both communities.

Workshop format

This is a full-day workshop. The morning sessions will feature a keynote and technical presentations. The afternoon will continue with a session of technical presentations and conclude with a plenary discussion about collaborative and participatory modeling principles.

Submit your paper!

Check out the Call for Papers.